Advanced Staking (V0.5) Updates

Opened this topic to discuss the updates on Advanced staking…team please comment!


Thanks for being one of the early Panther Discourse members!

Regarding Advanced Staking, there is no Panther Request for Comment (PRC) needed as Advanced Staking is a crucial infrastructure piece, mandatory for Panther to function. That said, as we move towards the Panther Improvement Proposal itself, discussions around Advanced Staking can take place here on the forum in order to reach consensus and to share ideas and opinions from and by ZKP holders. I saw other forum participants today start an Advanced Staking APY discussion for example. These are great initiatives and valuable discussions for the Advanced Staking launch.

Of course, these discussions will be managed by third parties hence moderators. We Panther contributors are here to take part into the discussions and to come up with DAO proposals. These DAO proposals will also be executed by independent third parties.

We will provide more info on the Governance process itself as well. Once again, thanks for being early :slight_smile:


Is there any info on if Panther Reveals will be part of the advanced staking? Also please comment on z-asset creation (is that part of Adv staking or V1.0?)

Will Advanced Staking only be available for a fixed period of time (like Classic Staking)? And is there a max pool of rewards that it will be drawing from?