Length of Advanced Staking?

There’s two optimal ways we can play this I think:

1.We either maintain the current APR with provision for if they run out before V1 then we agree to add more rewards for then. We can decide how many rewards once that date approaches. We can evaluate the rate in which the rewards were depleted by, and consider the current amount of stakers when deciding how many more are needed in order to maintain rewards until V1.

2.We reduce the APR which will impact how soon the rewards will deplete by, reducing the likelihood of users staking as APR is unattractive for time locked, (or increasing the likelilhood, as rewards are more scarce). This also means we wont need to “waste” rewards supply on V0.5. As the protocol rewards are better served for V1. Also, once V1 is available, depending on the reward rate offered, if more than before, it may entice users to stake again.

I also think it is best to introduce my idea; that any rewards remaining at the launch of V1 should equally be distributed amongst those who did not claim their zZKP early. I would prefer option 1 as this will mean I earn more ZKP in the end. But happy with option 2 as well