Panther Protocol x Flare

Please post updates regarding the Flare Partnership here!


With Flare’s token distribution event (TDE) fast approaching, it’s worth bringing this discussion back to life.

What does everyone think about adding $FLR (Flare’s native token’s ticker) to advanced staking pools, to further test the protocols? (Rewards is something that could be discussed later, if there are enough others in the community that align with my thoughts).

For Panther Protocol to be successful on Flare, it is IMPERATIVE that FLR used in MASPs, is still able to accrue the Flare’s FTSO layer 1 protocol rewards and be paid out to holders. I can’t emphasise how important that is. If staking the native asset in MASPs means forfeiting the L1 rewards, Panther simply will not gain any traction on the network.


Hi Dan,

Instead of FLR, maybe we could add wFLR to the MASP?

I am def not into all the tech details but see two different points:

  1. We add FLR to the MASP. Which means that in orrder to gain traction, Panther would need to run an FTSO, so we could also accrue FTSO rewards, on the top to Z- assets rewards

  2. We add wFLR whereas we have the delagstion rewards from an already established FTSO and would be easier for Panther to gain momentum as we would have 3 rewards for same token (FTSO rewards + monthly rewards from Flare + z-assets rewards)

Maybe option 2 is easier from start…

Super excited to have these discussions as I fully believe Panther is bringing something totally new to the game!!


Second option definitely seems easier from start, but I don’t know enough about flare to comment :slight_smile:


Yes of course, I kept it at FLR for simplicity as I’m not sure if everyone in Panther will understand the wrapping aspect of Flare.

I’m not sure if Panther would look to run their own FTSO as I’m sure things are focused solely on V1, for now. Like Flare Finance, our votes could be delegated to an FTSO at Panther team’s discretion, or like Alex at Blaze Swap has done, managed to allow user’s wFLR to be delegated to an FTSO of the user’s choice.

Happy to take a community call to explain things further.


I’m trying to familiarize myself more with the Flare stack - looks pretty cool. If users could get an extra reward like z-asset, that is a pretty big FTSO differentiator. I was reading yesterday that Hugo was hoping for developers to build dAPPS for the F-ASSETS feature coming…could this be something Panther also looks at? Could this allow users to privately stake their XRP or other asset using Panther’s privacy solution?


Gotnit. Just wanted to ensure to mention wFLR for clarity (as we may have others here not completely familiarised with Flare ecosystem)

Because they have other main actions in the pipeline , would be great to incorporate wFLR to MASP. Completely agree Dan. I would be happy to bring my wFLR. I am sure other would do the same


If you check Flare’s updated website (updated today), it says that the F Asset system is being built with one of their partners - no further info

Ideally, F Assets would also have MASPs. But again, it’s of paramount importance that F Assets within MASPs are still able to accrue F Asset rewards from the Cross Chain Incentives Pool. Double bubble!


Thanks Dan. Since the Flare team gave Panther a fairly sizeable grant to integrate, I’m assuming they had a vision or might have laid out some specific requirements for the Panther team. I wonder if we can get the Panther product team to chime in here…


I’m all for this. How can we get this ball rolling?


Thanks for this idea.

On: We will draft up a proposal for adding the $FLR token to the Adv Staking solution as well as the proposal will include the code updates regarding bug fixes, based on last week’s Discourse discussions.

Right now the code’s fully updated and the latest commit hash will be put onto the PIP.


Have provisions been made so that L1 rewards can still be accrued, while FLR/wFLR is in the pool?


Hello everybody. I agree with the proposals listed above.

I agree let’s do it we need an additional player

Hi Lom, can you explain what you mean by Panther would need to run FTSO ? afaik this is an Oracle service within the Flare network…

Hello All, see some great discussion happening here… i believe that Flare and Panther integration will be a multi step process, some of which are dependent on maturity of Flare network w.r.t managing the Governance aspects of smart contract etc. To support Flare’s TDE , i like the idea of Staking FLR token (on Flare) and get rewarded in zZKP on Polygon. We concluded the technical feasibility and we have a solution that can work for all EVM chains and in theory can be extended to other chains ( even Bitcoin)…Call it “Peer Chain Staking”. This is a good start to 2023.


Hey Saif, thanks for your reply.

I am not into all the tech details, so could be completely off. But I was just adding that, imo, would be better to add wFLR in the MASP, other than FLR . The main reason is that as FLR cannot be delegated to FPSO providers (as opposed to wFLR) we could lose FLR holders’ interest as they would be waiving the monthly rewards and FTSO rewards. Instead, if we could add wFLR, we could then have it delegated (earning FTSO rewards), we would still be entitled to the monthly rewards, and of course, getting z-assets rewards.

Again, I may be completely wrong here, but was just something that crossed my mind and I thought would be good to add to the discussion.

Just taking this opportunity to wish you and the team a happy new year!!


Something that I need to clarify; these will be 2 separate proposals as adding the Flare $FLR token to the Adv Staking solution is a different topic & discussion than the deployment of updated code.

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