Staking APY Discussion

I think that would require additional development, I don’t believe it was accommodated in the code.

I think the focus should be on the rate of issue of PRP post the 2000 addresses as that’s the best way to incentivise people to continue staking ZKP! A low APY for the staking (say 20%) and a very high rate of issuance of PRPs (say a set amount for every 30 days of continuous staking) will ensure people continue to stake and will also help secure the MASP!


I agree. It would be nice to reward early participants. Also, would be a boost in moral. However, thia should be carefully discussed as we all need to be aware of its impact. Tokenomics plaay a huge part here, imo.

Mu suggestion would be to reward either the 500/1000 or 1000/1500 first participants.

So what is being discussed here is the rewards for early stakers or Rewards for risks for those early users of MASP. let’s refer to this as “Flat PRP”.

There is also something called as Accrued PRP :
As we know that the Advanced Staking shielded pool will be upgraded upon V1 launch. How does that impacts the rewards -
to begin with, you know that Staking rewards for Adv Staking is given in the form of zZKP in MASP.
Now, any zAsset that is in the shielded pool becomes automatically eligible for privacy rewards ( PRP) and this is calculated based on the deposit date of that zAsset…so considering V1 launches after 4 months, all those zAssets will accrue PRP for being there for 4 months. PS : if you someone redeem(withdraw) your zZKP then Core V1 has nothing to calculate accrued PRP’s :slight_smile:


What about prp to zkp conversion rate do we know that yet or is that only calculated after?

I assumed the zZKP can only be withdrawn post V1 from the MASP…please correct me if I’m wrong…as per your message…as the zZKP gets accumulated from staking ZKP…you get PRPs against those zZKP rewards…and those that go for early withdrawal (after the minimum lock up period)…they will get their staked ZKP AND their zZKP rewards…but lose out on the PRP rewards…correct?

So the conversation rate is 1:10, hence 1 ZKP = 10 PRPs.

We are setting up the initial Advanced Staking DAO proposal this week and hope to share it asap here on Discourse where the community can add the parameters discussed above onto the proposal. The following parameters need to be specified onto the proposal:

  • Flat PRP
  • Total reward pool size for the Adv Staking program
  • Length of the Adv Staking program

These points already are discussed above which is great. We will give a heads up once the innitial Adv Staking proposal is shared here.


Would it run beyond the 4 months that it would take to release MVP + 1 month to be safe usually? IE - would it run indefinately or limited to this time?

Perfect, so stakers would receive a ‘reward’ of 200ZKP per stake for remaining staked until V1 launches effectively :slight_smile: ( assuming the reward of 2000PRP is chosen)

Yes we discussed the length of the Adv Staking program here.

A change thas has been applied to the Advanced Staking infrastructure is to allow for future staking programs by creating new terms if needed. This is very important regarding the continuity of the program itself. I also do think that the 4 month estimation is accurate.


Good for early adopters :+1: :slight_smile:

Great to know, so then the only outstanding item now is the APR - Saif suggested 10-15%, how would we be able to calculate what can be allocated to this 4 months of staking? ( Taking into account the time that there was no staking I believe it should be higher rather than lower… )

Based on what @MoonRocket and @Praetorian rightly pointed out above it seems like such a percentage is indeed accurate from an user & ZKP holder perspective.

That said it also makes sense to verify later today if all the parameters are sufficiently specified by now.

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Ok there is some flawed logic here, someone could stake with 1zkp in 0.001 segments 1000 times and earn thousands of prp’s/zkp @Saif please confirm

So, just to confirm my understanding:

ZKP / PRPs ratio will be 1:10. Let’s say PRPs are capped as 2000.

Does that mean if I have 200k ZKP, I can create 1000 (200 ZKP) stakes to maximise my PRPs gain? Or would that be capped by wallets?

Let me answer both the points:

  1. Regarding conversion rate of PRP to zkp(protocol privacy rewards), a ratio need to be set in the beginning at the launch and after that the AMM will itself balance out and determine the rate as per the usage of the protocol ( which will create more PRP) and the amount of conversions happening ( which determine the balance of rewards).
  2. I know it is bit tricky as the transition happens from Adv Staking to Core V1. Re: question from Av8R - your understanding is correct.

More context:

There will be 2 Advanced Staking proposals and the parameters decided by the community will be spread among them.

For part 1, the only yet to be determinated parameter is the total amount of $ZKP tokens designated for rewards for stakers.

The other 3 parameters discussed so far will be on the first Adv Staking DAO proposal as well.


Can we compare this to the total reward pool of Classic Staking program? Which had a couple million ZKP innit?

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When are we likely to see this proposal, Joris?

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